Mask Parade bids farewell to TRF.
After a 20 year run at the Texas Renaissance Faire I have decided not to return to the event. It was a hard decision to come to. It was the first of my large multi-weekend shows. I made many good friends over the years, and sold literally t...housand of masks, each and every one an original piece of art. I even designed the shoppe itself, from blueprint to finished colors and textures. I could go over the list of pros and cons of my choice, but decided I would rather just use this time to give thanks. I want to thank my staff. Truly a great group of people who took pride in the product. They were always willing to whatever was needed. I want to thank my patrons. The villagers and travelers that came to visit the shoppe either for the first time or year after year. One of my favorite sights was to watch an individual see their face transform in the mirror's reflection. The patrons brought the masks to life. And lastly I want to thank the Festival itself, whose original vision was to have a place where, in an age of imports and cheap reproductions, unique quality handmade work could not only be appreciated but enjoyed by all. For those of you interested in seeing my work in the Texas area, I will still have a presence at Scarborough Faire near Dallas and I will be found this weekend at Dickens on the Strand, in Galveston. Goodbye TRF and thanks again.